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Last Updated on June 2, 2023 by Roslin Dwivedi

How we found Farmers market Bahrain

As a new arrival to Bahrain, we spent a few months figuring out the city and convenience stores for our smooth settlement. As the days passed, we got acquainted with the city’s grocery leaders like Lulu’s and Carrefour.

As an expat in the country, at some point, you do wonder where are the local markets. Where do the locals go for general shopping? Or say cheap shopping or where is the local vegetable markets. Where do we find local products?

Even though we find local products and vegetables at these supermarkets, until you are specifically looking for them, we don’t know which aisle features it and the cost differences between local markets and Supermarkets. You just get what is conveniently available, probably featuring products similar to your country and yay! We got what we wanted. My kitchen is going to run smoothly!

I love google maps. But it does not do justice in showing the place accurately. As we love to try local products where ever we live. Back in Seychelles, we crossed a few farm fields to reach the town, spending half of the off-day in only grocery shopping. After a while, we stopped going to the supermarket in Seychelles and mostly bought veggies from the nearby farms.

Fresh Vegetables at Farmers Market Bahrain
Fresh Vegetables at Farmers Market Bahrain

Returning to Bahrain. One day, I was sitting on my sofa scrolling through my Instagram and found a post endorsing the Farmers Market.

After a few checks here and there, we reached the farmers market located in the Budaiya area on a Saturday afternoon. The look of that place was so mindful at first sight. As we were looking for parking, which was almost packed. We could see why that is. There was a kid’s play area full of happy kids. Opposite the play area, we saw fully occupied picnic tables. Families with big jugs of coffee and food. They looked so relaxed, as if they were all enjoying this cheerful market in the pleasant weather of 18 degrees, with a bit of sunshine.

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My husband choosing vegetables in a stall
My husband choosing vegetables in a stall

About Farmers Market 

The farmers market opens on Saturdays from 7 am to 1 pm. It is not a year-round market and opens for approximately 4 months during winter. If you are looking for a farmers market at other times of the year, you can go to the Salmabad Farmers Market. Where vegetable farms are located nearby the market.

We went to the Budaiya farmers market, which opened on Saturday. You get a vegetable section and a food section with arranged picnic tables. Here you can enjoy breakfast or lunch, depending on your arrival at the market.

There is also a kid’s section where the kids can play on a jumping castle or trampoline. They can have face painting and colouring papers on the site. Your kids can participate in the games organized on the stage led by an anchor.

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The Budaiya farmers market is organized in a pretty huge area. It’s for everyone, from family to kids. 

Amidst all the vegetable markets, you can also get to buy some plants for your home garden at a very reasonable price.

The market also features some of the best local honey, dates, and homemade products like spices, sauces, granola, and Achar.

Over here, you can take the pleasure of tasting coffee made of Dates. Spicy sauces, homemade Achar or granola before you decide to buy it. We bought a local chilly sauce, and my husband loves it.

You may enjoy buying locally made pottery, palm leaf mats or famous local artworks. But also can experience pottery making on the spot and get the pleasure of watching artists create palm leaf mats and more.

I loved the canvas paintings on display over there. Which were on sale starting from 100 bd. 

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The Picnic and Food Section

The market picnic area featured excellent food stalls offering delicious Bahraini breakfast and snacks like — Balaleet, Nikhee, Aloo-Chab.

Another stall served — Buffet offering lamb dishes, beef and rice items. also big naan.

Some of the shops offered a plate filled with dishes of your choice from their display. at the cost of 5 BD. I felt the prices are fair and do not feel expensive at all. On top of that, they were delicious.

The Kids Section 

As mentioned earlier, the market is for everyone. The kid’s section is such a blessing for parents in the market. No, you can not leave your kids here but entertain them.

Kids interested in colouring got the colouring paper. They could sit at the tables arranged around the section and colour. A face painting section was set where 2 lovely girls were painting kids’ faces for free. A jumping castle and trampoline for the hyper-energetic kids.

A DJ played as the anchor led the kid’s games, like ‘pass the ball’ on the stage.

In The kid’s section, you will also find picnic tables where you can bring your food and coffee and relax as kids play in the kid’s area. A stall served snacks like popcorn, steamed corn, cotton candy, spiral potato fries, juices, and balloons.

I found a display of tremendously beautiful paintings close to the kid’s section. The artworks are from a famous local artist named Abbas Almosawi. The artwork starts from 300 Bd onwards. I must say the work was fascinating.


We spent an incredible 3 hours at the Bahrain farmer’s market, experiencing the vibrant local atmosphere and talking to all the farmers. We learned where farming is done in Bahrain. In the middle of a bustling city, they rented a space from the government and grew their products in the Salmabad area. I will definitely check out the Salmabad Farmer’s Market one day. We also enjoyed discussing their products, artists, and homemade product owners with the sellers. 

You will find fantastic things for your kitchen, home interior or garden at the farmer’s market.

So let me know if you are a farm fresh product buyer or not.

Hope the blog is helpful!

Roslin Dwivedi

Hi! I am Roslin, a travel blogger. I am a gastronomist, an excursionist and love to learn about a different culture. Apart from travel updates, you will find some aha moments and life learnings in my blog. My writing recipe includes a little bit of humour only to see you smiling. You can find me on my website, Facebook and Instagram as Travelnlifewithroaz.


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